Post operative wound care (Breast)

Day 0 - 7

  • Do nothing
  • Do not remove dressings unless very soiled
  • The doctor will do your first dressing change on Day 7
  • Please bring all your plasters along to the appointment. The date will be given to you on discharge from theatre, or the overnight facility.

Day 7 - 14

  • The Doctor will change your waterproof plasters (Opsite) and leave the wound tape (micropore) in place on Day 7
  • After this YOU will be required to change the OPSITE ONLY every 2 days.
  • Take the opsite off; clean around the micropore with an damp cloth or savlon/dettol
  • Apply the bactroban/supiroban ointment on top of the tape
  • Reapply the opsite plaster
  • If there is no blood staining on the white padding of the opsite, you do not need to use it anymore. Just apply the ointment to the tape (micropore) everyday

Day 14

  • Usually the day of your second visit
  • The doctor will remove all your plasters including the micropore for the first time today to check the wound.
  • Reapply the micropore every 5-7 days.
  • You can start using scar treatment ointments instead of the bactroban. I recommend Scar Science or Regim-A. Tissue oils will suffice as well
  • Gently massage the ointments on top of the tape is small circles. This will help the keep the scars flat.

Continue with this regimen for 8 weeks after the date of your operation.

Please call the rooms or send the doctor a WhatsApp message if you have an queries.